Woman listening to Music (1945)
Woman, Newspaper, Dod (1925)
People (1925)
Woman, Bird. Star (1942)
The Rock (1918)
The Farm at Montroig
Woman in the Night (1942)
Maternity (1924)
Figures, Mountains, Sky, Bird (1936)
Nocturne from D.L.M. Vol. 57-58-59 , 1953
Carton d'invitation - Vernissage - Xxe siecle 1963
Peintures Murales (on arches paper)
MIRO - Sculptures - Repères- Cahiers d'Art No 22
Acrobate au Jardin de nuit (1948)
* HOMMAGE A TERIADE - Collectif - First Edition - Frontispiece by Joan Miro.
Indelible Miro by Yves Taillandier - Drawings, Drypoints, Etchings, Lithographs, Posters…
* Miro's Posters by J. Corredor-Matheos and Picazo, Gloria
Galerie Jofa Kim
Portrait No 1
Peinture = Poesie
* Joan Miro Exhibition Japan 1966
A l'encre I
A l'encre II - Two Flying Birds
Lithograph I . Vol. 1
Lithograph II Vol. 1
Lithograph III Vol. 1
Lithograph IV Vol. 1
Lithograph V Vol. 1
Lithograph VI Vol. 1
Lithograph VII Vol. 1
Lithograph VIII Vol. 1
Lithograph IX Vol. 1
Lithograph X Vol. 1
Lithograph XI Vol. 1
Lithographies Vol. 1 . Cover
* Les Affiches Originales
* Miro Céramiques et Artigas
* Miro Lithograph vol.1 . 1930-1952
The Illustrated Books
Miro Engraver Vol. 3
* Miro Engraver. Volume I. 1928-1960 by Jacques Dupin
Révolutions Sceniques du XXe Siecle I
Révolutions Sceniques du XXe Siecle II
XXe Siecle. Christmas 1960
Agora 1 Strasbourg
Mujer antes el sol
Joan Miro, Oeuvres Récentes Galerie Adrien Maeght
Head of a Smoker
Di San Lazzaro - XXe Siecle No 8 Janvier 1957
Etincelles. L'Oiseau Solaire - L'Oiseau Lunaire. Ref: Mourlot 441 and Cramer 112
L'Oiseau Lunaire - DLM No 164-165
L'Oiseau Solaire - DLM No 164-165
DLM No 164-165 pages 4-5
DLM No 186 - Cover
DLM No 186 - Page 2
DLM No 186 - Pages 4-5
DLM No 186 - Page 7
DLM No 186 - Page 14
DLM No 186 - Page 17
DLM No 186 - Pages 15-16
Le Lézard aux plumes d'or
Berggruen 1958 - A toute Epreuve
Personnages sur un fond noir
Joan Miro The Complete Lithographs 1930-1981 6 Vols
Femme Assise (1933)
* Miro, Lithograph Vol.2
* Joan Miro by Walter Erben, with original lithograph
Joan Miro - MOMA