Harmenszoon van Rijn REMBRANDT
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand -#81 - La Grande Descente de Croix
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand -Bartsch 176 Mendiants a la porte d'une maison
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Bartsch #209 - The Omval
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Bartsch #234 - La Campagne du Peseur d'or
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Bartsch #269 - Manasseh Ben Israel
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Bartsch #278 - Ephraim Bonus dit le Juif a la Rampe
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Bartsch #35 Le Sacrifice d'Abraham
Les Eaux-Fortes de Rembrandt
L'Annonciation aux Bergers
Rembrandt dessinant
Les Trois Arbres
La Descente de Croix aux flambeaux
La Mort de la Vierge
La Présentation au Temple
Jésus préchant - La Petite Tombe
Les Disciples d'Emmaüs
La Fiancée Juive (détail) Double sided
Selected Etchings with a Complete Catalogue of the Collection, from The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
* The World of Rembrandt 1606-1666 by R. Wallace
* Man with Golden Helmet (on Canvas)
* K.G. Boon. Rembrandt, The Complete Etchings
* Venus
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Bartsch #341 Study of the Great Jewish Bride
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Bartsch #342 The Little Jewish Bride
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand -Bartsch #80 The Crucifixion -Etching circa 1635 - Restrike.
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Bartsch #71 Christ and the Woman from Samaria among ruins
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Bartsch #313 Vieillard a la Barbe carree
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Bartsch #33 Jacob caressant Benjamin
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Bartsch #187 The Monk in the Cornfield
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Bartsch #310 Portrait of a Boy in profile
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand -Bartsch #48 The Circumcision
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand-Bartsch #22 Self Portrait drawing at a window
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand -Bartsch #29 - Abraham recevant les Anges
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand- Bartsch #34 Abraham parlant a Isaac
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand- Bartsch #77 L'Ecce Homo
after Rembrandt by Amand-Durand -Bartsch #78 Christ crucifiedhieves
Jésus guérissant les Malades - The Hundred Guilder
After Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Rembrandt appuyé (1639) - Bartsch #21
After Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Agar renvoyée par Abraham - Bartsch #30
After Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Homme avec chaine et croix - Bartsch #261
After Rembrandt by Amand-Durand - Jan Uytenbogaert, Goldweigher - Bartsch #281